Cinderak City has fallen, and the rebellious Lady Credo has dealt a significant blow against the Imperial House. Lady Haera Helmawr seeks to consolidate her damaged authority – but even as she sends hundreds of Enforcer patrols flooding into the depths of Hive Primus, a Redemptionist Crusade grows into the tens of thousands, following a mysterious leader in search of a lost prophet...
This narrative expansion follows on from the world-shaking events in Necromunda: The Aranthian Succession – Cinderak Burning, and continues the Succession Campaign from that book. It also introduces new rules to add even more variety, scope and excitement to your battles on Necromunda.
This 136-page hardback supplement contains:
– The Great Pilgrimage: Details of the events which unfolded on Necromunda following the fall of Cinderak City, the rise of the Prophet, and the attempts of Lady Haera Helmawr to claim rulership of the Imperial House. Includes a full timeline of the Great Pilgrimage, and a guide to the Saints of Necromunda.
– Crusading Gangs: Rules for embarking any gang on a holy Crusade, as they pledge themselves to one of a selection of Saints and seek their miraculous blessings by following that Saint's Tenets.
– The Road to Temenos Campaign: Rules for playing a series of linked games that take players through the events of the Great Pilgrimage and the hunt to secure – and employ – the fabled Relics of Necromunda, as faith becomes essential to controlling the populace and winning the civil war.
– Narrative Scenarios: Seven narrative scenarios that reflect the events of the Great Pilgrimage, such as battling through tunnels in Race to the Vault, or defending the faithful in Pilgrimage Assault.
– Dramatis Personae: Four new Dramatis Personae central to the story, to hire and use with your gang: the Cawdor Outlaw Agent known only as Prophet of the Redemption; Axon Hammer, the Goliath Outlaw Agent and legendary Scourge of the Spider Points; Durgan Kill-Fist, an Outlaw Bounty Hunter and Champion of the Brokebone, and Scrutinator-Primus Servalen, a Bounty Hunter accompanied by her Cyber-mastiff KB-88.
– Additional Rules: New rules for House Cawdor and Palanite Enforcer gangs to use in games of Necromunda, including new vehicle crew and gang tactics for House Cawdor gangs, as well as Cawdor Way-Brethren mounted atop Ridge Walkers, while Enforcers unleash ‘Sanctioner’ Pattern Automata and Hardcase Cyber-mastiffs on unsuspecting criminals. Also included are rules for the Chronos-pattern Ironcrawler, and options for allying your gang with the Imperial House.
This is an expansion to Necromunda – you'll need a copy of the Necromunda: Ash Wastes Rulebook (or the Necromunda core rules and Book of the Outlands supplement) to use the contents of this book.
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